President's Message

To the Worshipful Masters of the First Masonic District,

The objectives of your association are to promote the welfare of Freemasonry in the First Masonic District of Ohio by conciliating true friendship among the member component Lodges, encouraging the perfection of Masonic Ritualistic ceremonies, and conducting a well-planned and constructive educational program. This is not just the responsibility of the Officers of your Association, as it takes everyone working together to make these objectives become reality.

Your District Association operates under a set of by-laws that the general membership approves and is under the direction of your District Deputy Grand Masters. We support a variety of activities and functions throughout our District, and if your Lodge has a special event or activity you wish to share with the district, let us know so we can support and promote it.

The Officers Association meets on the third Monday of each month (except June, July, and August) and opens promptly at 7:00 PM. Dinner will precede each meeting (unless otherwise noted), at 6:00 PM.  Locations, programs, and dress codes for each month are on the following pages.


Also, you will find the various programs and activities going on throughout the district that will qualify your Lodge for the President’s Award. We urge you to participate in all the programs and encourage your Lodge members to participate for the individual awards.


Our goal this year is to focus on Brotherly Love and developing friendships outside of your home Lodge.  This can only be done by traveling and meeting other Brothers that will always be as ready to give, as you are to receive this new friendship.  Let’s get out there and enjoy the greatest fraternity in the world by supporting Lodges in our District as well as the 6th District.  I guarantee you that Lodge Brothers will welcome you with open arms.     

I and the other Officers of the First Masonic District Officers Association look forward to your year as Master of your Lodge. Feel free to contact any of us for help or questions.



Tony Dsuban, President, F.M.D.O.A.